Here We Are
Our Pastoral Staff

Steve Kufeldt
Lead Pastor
A native of Florida who loves living in the Pacific Northwest, Pastor Steve enjoys being with people and is energized by activity. He loves sharing truth from God’s Word and seeks to be an active witness for Christ in word and deed as he serves the larger community in a variety of ways.
Pastor Steve is an active part of the local ministerial association, the French Prairie Kiwanis Club, the Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce and has been a SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) volunteer at a local elementary school.
A fourth-generation minister, Steve enjoys golf, reading, swimming and woodworking. He has undergrad and graduate degrees (B.A. and M.Div.) from Anderson University (Anderson, IN) and has served in full-time ministry for 37 years, 18 of those as a senior pastor.
He has been married to his wonderful wife, Cindy, for over 34 years. She serves the church and community in a variety of ways. They have two married adult children: Seth and Abby. Seth is a social worker in Portland and Abby is an accountant in Salem. You can follow Pastor Steve on Twitter (@SteveKufeldt).